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Case Study

How Harper GC Used TrueLook in Procore

Harper General Contractors relies on TrueLook Construction Cameras to gain continuous visibility into their construction projects, enabling stakeholders to remotely monitor progress and substantiate delays or changes with visual evidence. However, at the time, TrueLook was separate from the Procore application, which presented significant challenges in terms of overall engagement and collaboration. To address this, TrueLook integrated its platform within Procore, streamlining the workflow and providing convenient access to cameras and advanced features.

This integration significantly improved stakeholder engagement, especially during remote work caused by the pandemic. It facilitated real-time collaboration, ensuring project schedules were maintained while reducing travel expenses. Harper General Contractors considers TrueLook a reliable technology partner and plans to embed additional tools within Procore’s interface in the future! Overall, this integration enhances project visibility, saves time and costs, mitigates risks, and enables informed decision-making.

Project Goals

  1. Provide project visibility and transparency for teams and stakeholders
  2. Enable seamless and fluid access to TrueLook media, such as live video and imagery 
  3. Increase engagement with the TrueLook Platform across the organization

Project Results:

  1. Enabled real-time visibility through high-quality jobsite visuals, accessible from anywhere, at any time
  2. Notable time savings and increased productivity by providing seamless one-click access to the TrueLook platform
  3. Enhanced stakeholder engagement and collaboration through a streamlined  workflow