Best Places To Install Security Cameras on Construction Sites

This post was originally published on November 9th, 2016, and updated on May 25th, 2023.

For builders looking to improve efficiency, productivity, and jobsite security, construction cameras are an essential tool that provide remote access to projects from anywhere.  By using construction cameras, builders can:

  • Monitor their site 24/7 to identify potential hazards and problems before they become major issues.
  • Track the progress of their project(s) and identify areas to improve efficiency.
  • Deter theft and vandalism.
  • Protect workers from injury.

But in order to get the most out of your cameras, you need to position them correctly and efficiently. The wrong location can make it difficult to see what’s happening on your site, or even worse, it could put workers and equipment at risk.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to position your construction cameras for maximum efficiency, productivity, and security.

Choosing the Right Construction Camera

Construction camera companies typically provide an overlay of different camera options on your site plan. This will show you exactly what your camera can see before you make any purchases, and it’s a great way of planning out the most effective configuration for your jobsite. 

Utility poles are the most common mounting location.

At this stage, it’s helpful to think about your specific project needs and how your construction cameras will fit into different aspects such as monitoring and documentation. Some questions to consider when choosing the right cameras:

How many cameras? From our experience here at TrueLook, most customers find that a single camera works for project management and capturing quality time-lapses, especially on single-building projects.

However, if you need to capture views from multiple vantage points, or if the jobsite is large and/or includes multiple buildings, it may be best to acquire several cameras. Developers working on subdivisions, strip malls, and similar projects often place cameras at several crucial locations to capture the full story. Even some smaller projects may benefit from multiple cameras if there are key areas of interest to document or secure, such as entry and exit points.

Which type of camera is best? TrueLook offers both robotic Pan-Tilt-Zoom (PTZ) cameras and fixed-position cameras. PTZ cameras are best suited for large jobsites or situations where multiple zones need to be documented from one position. This type of camera can be scheduled to capture multiple time-lapse shots focusing on various sections and activities, as well as panoramic time-lapses. Fixed cameras are better if you are mounting the cameras close to the site, need everything captured in one shot, or want the most stable time-lapses.

You’ve got your cameras, but where should they go?

After you’ve chosen the best cameras to fit your project, it’s important to consider a few questions before installation:

What’s the right perspective? This depends on how you plan to use your footage and images. For example, many builders focus their cameras at the front of the building to create a smooth time-lapse view that can be shared across digital platforms.

Others may choose to focus on a corner of the building so that they capture multiple sides of the project in one view. For this perspective, make sure the camera is positioned high enough to capture the entire footprint of the structure, as well as all levels or stories. 

Whenever possible, our experts recommend positioning cameras with the sun behind them to minimize shadows and glare. This also provides the best lighting for daytime images.

What structure should hold the camera? If you’re able, we recommend placing your camera outside the construction area. This prevents issues caused by changes in work activity that might require you to reposition the camera and disrupt time-lapse continuity. 

Your camera should be close enough to avoid visual obstructions, but far enough away to give you views of the entire project to ensure a clear, complete view from start to finish.

Many TrueLook customers mount their cameras on neighboring buildings or utility poles. A popular alternative is non-penetrating roof mounts so you can securely attach the camera without having to puncture the building’s elements. Other mounting options include solar skids and mobile camera trailers, which are all-in-one solutions for both solar power and mounting your camera.

When mounting your cameras on adjoining properties, it’s important to consider issues like permitting, privacy, legal responsibility, insurance, and cost. Your construction camera provider should be able to provide some support and guidance in these areas.

Where’s the power supply? We recommend picking a location where power already exists or where it’s easy to run power to the equipment. If you are already adding temporary power to the jobsite, consider placing the supply in a location that also works to feed the camera position.

No easy spot for power? Solar is a great option for remote jobsites or those who prefer to remain off-the-grid. Many construction camera solar packages include battery packages designed to withstand multiple days, meaning sites stay covered on overcast days. Completely solar-powered, TrueLook’s solar panels perform in most weather, even in extreme conditions such as severe snow.

On top of their effectiveness in remote sites and variable weather, solar panels are also a great option for companies striving toward sustainability. By utilizing solar power, builders can reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources and decrease their carbon footprint.

Simple installation with TrueLook Cameras

You’ve chosen the right construction camera for your project and found the prime spots to capture your project – it’s time for installation! The last step is the easiest. TrueLook cameras come pre-wired and pre-programmed with your chosen mounting kits, so all that is left to do is to follow the mounting instructions, plug into a power source, and your camera will come online automatically!

For more about mounting and how our installations work, click here.

Investing in the right construction cameras and strategically positioning them on your jobsite can provide tremendous benefits for project management, documentation, and security monitoring. By considering factors such as camera perspective, mounting location, and power supply, you can ensure that you capture the most comprehensive and high-quality footage throughout your construction project. 

With TrueLook’s easy installation process and expert support, you and your team can be confident that your construction cameras will provide secure monitoring and deliver valuable insights on your projects.

About Us

At TrueLook, our team understands that each project comes with its own unique challenges. TrueLook representatives are always ready to help you maximize the benefits of remote monitoring, and we’re confident that our construction cameras will deliver the best results. Contact our team today to schedule a free demo, or check out our blog for more construction news, tips, and insights!

Superb Image Quality. Widest Field of View. Unbeatable Value.

The stability and simplicity of a fixed-position construction camera make it the optimal choice for capturing a singular, ultra-wide view of a jobsite.

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Roger Yarrow, Chief Executive Officer headhsot

Roger Yarrow, Chief Executive Officer

Bringing over 25 years of experience in programming, computer hardware, systems administration, and web technologies from distinguished companies like IBM and Xerox, Roger enriches TrueLook with a wealth of expertise. As the CEO, Roger's role involves steering the company's strategic vision, fostering innovation, and ensuring operational excellence. As a co-founder, he is pivotal in cultivating a creative and collaborative company culture. Outside of guiding TrueLook towards success, Roger enjoys embarking on adventures with his wife and daughter, working on his mountain biking skills, and telling numerous dad jokes.

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