Camera Features & Services

Construction Cameras Help Work Life Balance During the Pandemic

Mom working from home with child
Mother and daughter work side by side from home during quarantine.

Since March, professionals across industries have transitioned to remote work, in an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve. Some of these professionals have been practically brought to their knees trying to adjust to routines they never dreamed of having to manage. 

Five months later many people are still working remotely and struggling to find the right balance between work and family lives. Sixty-two percent of the U.S. workforce is working remotely — and could continue to do so indefinitely.

Some industries, such as Construction, were declared essential. Backoffice workers such as project managers have had to find ways to be productive and efficient from home, while tradesmen continued to report to the jobsite, masked up and armed with hand sanitizer. Construction firms, then, have two imperatives: 1) Help remote workers stay productive and 2) Minimize risk of infection as much as possible for workers who have to report to the jobsite.

Construction cameras are helping firms remain operational and productive despite the challenges of the pandemic. They enable remote project managers to monitor the jobsite at all times, collaborate more efficiently with crews and stakeholders, and keep projects on schedule, all while helping to keep onsite workers safe and productive.

Finding a Work Life Balance Amid the Chaos

For many U.S. professionals, the “9 a.m. – 5 p.m.” schedule is now a distant memory. With school back in session, many school districts across the nation have pivoted from in-person instruction to distance learning, requiring people to juggle even more responsibilities. 

Not only are construction project managers trying to figure out how to be productive while working remotely, they’re dealing with more interruptions: kids may come into the room and interrupt phone calls, asking to be fed or needing help with online classes. Dogs are barking and the doorbell’s ringing. Meanwhile your crews are calling more frequently because they need direction and you’re not onsite. Even if a project manager were to (safely) visit a jobsite, he or she may be unable to because of obligations at home. 

Construction cameras reduce or eliminate the need for onsites visits by providing real-time insight into what’s going on at the jobsite at all times. Cameras can be controlled remotely to pan around or zoom in on specific areas of the site, and stream live high-quality video for instant viewing. No matter what’s going on at home, project managers can see footage — from their desktops or mobile devices — mark-up and share images, and collaborate effectively with crews and stakeholders wherever they are. 

Checking in is quick and easy, even if a project manager is responsible for multiple jobsites. For example, TrueLook is embedded in the Procore interface, enabling Procore users to view, interact with and send images and video without even leaving Procore. The time savings is significant — and it leaves more time to check on kids’ homework or make lunches before they have to hop back online. Since they don’t have to wait for the PM to arrive onsite, crews and foremen get the answers they need quickly, and work can continue without delay.

Have Peace of Mind CDC Guidelines Are Followed

A CDC violation resulting in COVID-19 spreading throughout your jobsite could jeopardize your employees and put your firm at risk for fines and lawsuits. It’s challenging to enforce CDC guidelines throughout the day. Jobsites bustle with activity, and there’s no way the foreman can be in all places at once.

Construction cameras provide peace of mind by acting as a personal watchdog, ensuring all workers are abiding by guidelines at all times. With cameras in plain sight, workers will be careful to keep their masks on, wash their hands, and maintain a safe distance from others while working or on breaks. If workers fail to follow the guidelines, the firm has visual evidence to hold them accountable. Footage can also be used to train employees how to be safe, and explain the risk that violations can pose to coworkers and their families. 

Is Remote Working Here to Stay?

There are several benefits to remote working. For example, companies can save an average of $11,000 per year, per employee, by reducing travel, office space and equipment requirements. It’s likely many firms will continue to capitalize on the trend in some way, long after the threat of COVID-19 subsides. As part of a larger digital transformation effort, construction cameras will help to enable this new reality. 

Truelook construction cameras provide the freedom to manage your projects remotely, without impacting productivity — and often increasing efficiencies and reducing costs. Plus, by providing real-time insight into jobsite activity, project managers can trust that the job is getting done, while enjoying a work/life balance they may not have thought possible.

Allison Shaub headhsot

Allison Shaub

Allison is a seasoned marketing leader with over 14 years of experience driving transformative change for startups, agencies, and Fortune 100/500 companies. With expertise across diverse B2B and B2C markets, including technology, construction, automotive, and healthcare, she's known for her customer-centric approach that consistently delivers higher ROI and exceptional product development. At TrueLook, Allison spearheads strategic marketing initiatives to enhance brand awareness, meet business objectives, and foster deeper consumer engagement. Beyond work, Allison loves spending time with her husband, son, and two fur kids.

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