Platform Tips & Tricks

Tips & Tricks: Organizing Your Construction Site Photos

How To Organize Construction Site Photos

With all the tasks and moving parts that come with project management, organizing construction site photos may not always seem like a top priority. But when it comes to ensuring safety, efficiency, and productivity, having an organized and accessible photo inventory can mean the difference between scrolling through hundreds of files or simply whipping one up in a matter of seconds. Just a little bit of organization and time investment can make a huge difference when you need to quickly reference a specific moment on a jobsite. With TrueLook’s platform, we offer features like global search and construction photo albums, and an entire toolbelt to make it easier to organize, document, and share your project.

For managers and contractors looking to elevate their project management, here are some tips and tricks on organizing your jobsite photos:

Construction camera buyer's guide and eBook

Marking Up Construction Photos

Mark up your photos with objects, text, or freehand drawing tools to highlight key details. This makes it easier to communicate with team members and stakeholders on project status, and these notes are easily accessible for your own reference months later. With TrueLook, users can easily mark up construction site photos using the image mark-up tool. These images can then be organized into photo albums or even sent to create an RFI in Procore.

Time-Lapse Photos

Time-lapse photos are best organized in photo albums associated with that particular project. If you’re capturing multiple time-lapses for one project, it’s even more important to keep them separated into their own folders. TrueLook makes this process easy by automatically setting up a unique time-lapse photo album when each time-lapse is created.

Consistent Naming Convention

TrueLook’s platform makes it easy to organize your photo albums and time-lapses by project, but you may also want to think about the names of each album. Setting consistent names for your photo albums and images can save both you and your team a lot of time when sharing and storing collaborative files. For individual tasks, having a consistent naming convention is also a quick and efficient way to find the right images for later on. 

Upload On-site Photos

Even if you employ jobsite construction cameras, an in-person inspection, and documentation can be valuable for understanding where your project stands, as well as going back for review. For areas on the jobsite that need particular attention or documentation, in-person and on-site photos can be a critical step to ensuring your firm’s security and accountability. TrueLook supports image uploads from any internet-connected device. Meaning that if you’re on-site and capturing photos from your phone, you can easily upload them through the mobile app and into your album.

Add Drone Shots

Drone photography and videos can offer an impressive look at any construction project. While cameras are ideal for set angles and time-lapses, drone missions can take that documentation to the next level by showing your project from multiple angles in a brief period. Storing your drone footage directly in your TrueLook photo albums can also ensure your project documentation remains organized.

Integrated Construction Site Photo Albums

Would you prefer to have all of your jobsite images stored in your Autoudesk or Procore account? TrueLook can do that too! Through our Integrations, you can choose to automatically send images from the TrueLook platform to Autodesk/Procore or send them over manually as needed. These integrations are a popular option for keeping jobsite documentation all in one place. Plus, there are tons of other integration benefits, too.

With these integrations, you’ll still always have your TrueLook albums as an option, allowing you to choose the storage option that works best for each project.

About TrueLook

Organizing your construction site photos may seem like a small detail in the grand scheme of project management, but it can have a significant impact on the efficiency and productivity of your entire team. At TrueLook, we offer the newest construction camera technology and a robust platform to help with all of your documentation and management needs. Our tips and tricks will help you save time and frustration when searching for specific moments on your construction site, allowing you to focus on more important aspects of the project. To learn more about how we can help elevate your construction practice, contact the TrueLook team for a free demo, or check out our blog for more tips and insights.


Unleash the Power of Cameras for Marketing

Learn how other firms are utilizing jobsite cameras to fuel their marketing efforts.

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Michelle Sell

With experience in a variety of marketing and communications functions, she focuses on go-to-market planning, competitive intelligence, product asset creation, and customer feedback for TrueLook’s solutions. Outside of work, she enjoys traveling, hiking, and home DIY projects.

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